The Journal of World Sensorium/Conservancy
Art Science Conservation
Advocating for aromatic flora and all plants
This is the Journal of World Sensorium/Conservancy established online at https://worldsensorium.com/plantings/ in 2021. The journal brings together the voices of distinguished individuals from the arts, sciences, and nature conservation fields in a forum of ideas and views that advance the mission of the WS/C.
Plantings is a monthly online publication and a print annual magazine featuring a selection of articles from the year.
World Sensorium Conservancy’s Mission
The World Sensorium/Conservancy’s mission is to support and promote biodiversity conservation and help secure the future of aromatic and medicinal plants. The WS/C aims to be a catalyst for growing the global conservation movement – educating, inspiring and empowering people to protect and sustain the environment.
World Sensorium/Conservancy Staff
Publisher, Editor and Creative Director: Gayil Nalls
Contributing Editor, Plant Ecology, Magic and Myth: Margaux Crump
Contributing Editor of Ecological Thinking: Jake Eshelman
Biophilic Design Editors: Lizbeth Macklin and Frank Deichmeister
Contributing Editor, Nature Communications: Olivia Mermagen
Contributing Editor, Eat More Plants: Octavia Overholser
Contributing Science Editor: John Steele
Contributing Editor, Nature: Religious, Critical and Decolonial Theory, and Epistemic Justice: Sam Stoeltje
Media Advisor: Morgan Nalls Steele
Digital Assistant: David Strunk
Editorial Assistant: Karen Bauer
Plantings Annual 2021
Page Composition and Design: Tasnuva Elahi
Cover Layout: Fiona Kane
World Sensorium/Conservancy Board of Advisors
Deborah Anderson
Education Philanthropist
Braden Bjella
Culture journalist, Eastern Europe
Mary Lou Falcone
Classical music public relations specialist, M.L. Falcone Public Relations
Stuart Firestein
Professor and Former Chair, Department of Biological Sciences, Columbia University
Joan D. Firestone
Non-profit consultant
Véronique Firkusny
Executive Director of the Avery Fisher Artist Program, diction coach for singers, and literary translator
Abigail Fleming
Gardener, Sustainable Horticulturalist
Octavia Overholser
International Business Director and Environmentalist, Brussels
Azra Raza
Medical Oncology Specialist, Professor of Medicine, Director of the MDS Center, Columbia University
John Steele
Publisher and Editorial Director, Nautilus Magazine
Lewis Ziska
Plant Physiologist, Associate Professor, Environmental Health Sciences, Columbia University
To receive this annual publication, order online at:
The single annual issue costs: $18.00 domestically and $21.00 international
Subscribers can also write us and send a check payable to: Nalls Studio
World Sensorium/Conservancy, Nalls Studio, 360 West 36th Street, 7S, New York, NY 10018
Editorial Office of Plantings
World Sensorium/Conservancy
Nalls Studio
360 West 36th Street, 7S
New York, NY 10018
Send letters to the editor at: conservancy@worldsensorium.com
Plantings and the Plantings logo is a trademark of World Sensorium/Conservancy, Nalls Studio.
ISSN 2770-6397
© 2021 World Sensorium/Conservancy, Nalls Studio
Published by World Sensorium/Conservancy, Nalls Studio
All rights reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced or transmitted in any form or by any means, without permission in writing from the publisher.
To learn more about World Sensorium and the World Sensorium/Conservancy, visit worldsensorium.com.
You can contact Gayil Nalls with any questions at: conservancy@worldsensorium.com
Visit Plantings: online: www.worldsensorium.com/plantings/
Connect with us on Instagram: @worldsensorium