
General Description / Cultural Significance
In Nigerian culture, the Rose symbolizes love, beauty, and femininity. The Rose, is often referenced in Nigerian literature and has been described as “priceless and rare.” It is also particularly popular in paintings, sculptures, and love ballads. The Rose is used as an ingredient in Nigerian dishes and adds flavor to recipes such as jollof rice and meat stews. Additionally, the Rose is used medicinally in Northern Nigeria by the Hausa people. For example, Rose petals are used in treatments for fevers and stomach problems.
Roses are valued and cultivated around the world. The national floral emblem of Nigeria is the beautiful Costus spectabilis, known as the golden trumpet, however, Nigerian representatives indicated the choice of Rose as the aromatic plant representing the Federal Republic of Nigeria because of its rich cultural heritage. This choice was additionally reinforced by the fact, that the people have a deep love for these aromatic beauties. Nigeria grows and even exports some of the finest species of Rose flowers in the world. In 2018, over $15 million of Roses were exported to various countries. Therefore, the Rose industry in Nigeria provides employment for many Nigerians, especially women, who make up most of the workforce in Rose farms.
Climate Change / Conservation Status
Nigeria is one of the ten countries most vulnerable to climate change impacts. The country is experiencing intense and erratic rainfall, flash floods, landslides, and gully erosion. The unpredictability of these circumstances makes it extremely difficult for farmers to plan their operations. In 2022, two-thirds of Nigeria was flooded, sweeping away an estimated half a million farmlands. These floods are often followed by the contamination of drinking water and outbreaks of infectious diseases such as cholera, hepatitis, and dysentery. In addition, climate emergencies such as repeated floods, have left many individuals unable to vote, threatening Nigeria’s political stability. Looking ahead, Nigeria has committed to the Nigerian Energy Transition Plan which includes a plan to reduce emissions to slow down the change in climate.
Alternate Names
Hulthemosa Juz (Arabic spoken in the northeast)
Permanent Mission of Nigeria to the United Nations. This statement can be found on the World Sensorium original website.
Nigeria History & Culture Of The Rose. Rose Directory. Available fromhttps://rose.directory/topics/regional-rose-culture/africa-culture-history-of-roses/nigeria-history-culture-of-the-rose/
2022. Land, soil and climate change: How Nigeria is enhancing climate resilience to save the future of its people. The World Bank Group. Available from https://www.worldbank.org/en/news/feature/2022/10/18/land-soil-and-climate-change-how-nigeria-is-enhancing-climate-resilience-to-save-the-future-of-its-people
Okoroafor-Ezediaro, E. 2012. A Rose in Bloom: A Contemporary African Tale. Trafford Publishing. United States of America. Available from https://books.google.com/books/about/A_Rose_in_Bloom.html?id=sjnENSIgEeAC
Enete, Ifeanyi C. and Ezenwanji, E. E. 2020. Implications of climate variability on water resources of Nigeria: A review. International Scholars Journals. Available from https://www.internationalscholarsjournals.com/articles/implications-of-climate-variability-on-water-resources-of-nigeria-a-review.pdf