WS/C Store

At the WS/C Store we were looking for ways that you can interact with and support the World Sensorium/Conservancy. The Store’s collection features a variety of objects you can purchase, from your favorite flower in the form of a vintage brooch, limited edition fine art prints & objects, and collectable texts. You will get a feel for the deep role that flora has had on world aesthetics: art, design, fashion and more. There is no better time to embrace world flora and nature, and what it has inspired, and what we can do together to conserve it.

Plantings Print Annual

We’d like to introduce you to our print annuals 2023 and 2022. Each annual is an 80-page publication featuring articles from our online journal the previous year.  The articles are on topics relevant to conservation and the intrinsic values of nature – refocusing plant conservation as a fundamental and prioritized responsibility of all.