Suniltg at Malayalam Wikipedia – Transferred from ml.wikipedia to Commons by sreejithk2000, CC BY 3.0
Sierra Leone
Ananas comosus

Suniltg at Malayalam Wikipedia – Transferred from ml.wikipedia to Commons by sreejithk2000, CC BY 3.0
General Description / Cultural Significance
The pineapple (Ananas comosus) is a tropical plant standing between 3-5 feet in height. It is characterized by its wide, spear-shaped leaves with a waxy dark green finish. These leaves form a rosette at the base of the plant, surrounding its thick stem. The plant produces up to 200 light purple or white flowers, which eventually fuse to form a single pineapple fruit. Typically, the fruit ripens 5-6 months after the flowering process begins. Pineapples thrive in sweltering subtropical climates and require moist, well-drained soil that remains frost-free year-round.
In Sierra Leone, where many farming families live on less than a dollar a day, the cultivation and distribution of pineapples have introduced significant economic opportunities. Historically, the short two-month harvest period for other crops left farmers financially vulnerable during the remaining ten months of the year due to limited work opportunities. As such, the sweet tropical aroma of Pineapples which is a combination of several volatile compounds, is renowned in the country. The scent is often described as a mix of citrus, apple, and vanilla notes, contributing to its appeal as a fresh and exotic fruit.
In 2012, World Hope International (WHI) introduced pineapple cultivation commercially in Sierra Leone. This initiative has provided smallholder farmers with extensive agricultural training to ensure optimal and self-sustaining crop production. After harvesting, farmers deliver their products to centrally located pick-up points where they receive immediate payment. This program has employed 75 percent of Sierra Leonean farmers, significantly improving their livelihoods. Furthermore, it has laid the foundation for future generations to benefit from agricultural development, moving away from the country’s history of conflict-induced poverty.
Climate Change / Conservation Status
Recent investments aimed at improving farmers’ livelihoods have enabled pineapples to flourish in the coastal African climate of Sierra Leone. Sierra Tropical Limited, the primary pineapple producing company in the country, operates an over 10,000-acre plantation. This company has invested over 42 million dollars not only into optimizing ecosystems, soils, and fertilizers but also into the development of its workforce. The company ensures competitive pay and provides comprehensive, meticulous training for a high number of workers. These efforts have contributed to the sustainable cultivation of pineapples, enhancing both agricultural productivity and environmental stewardship.
Alternate Names
Ananas nanus
Ananas lucidus
Bromelia comosa
Dwarf pineapple
“Ananas Comosus.” Ananas Comosus (Pineapple) | North Carolina Extension Gardener Plant Toolbox, NC Cooperative Extension, 2020, plants.ces.ncsu.edu/plants/ananas-comosus/#:~:text=Pineapples%20are%20short%2Dlived%20perennial,that%20form%20a%20tight%20rosette.
Campbell, Gayle. “A Fruitful Future for Sierra Leone.” The Wesleyan Church, 28 Apr. 2017, www.wesleyan.org/a-fruitful-future-for-sierra-leone-1106.
Joaque, Zinab. “Sierra Tropical Showcase Its $42million Pineapple Plantation – AWOKO Newspaper.” Awoko Newspaper –, Awoko, 16 June 2021, awokonewspaper.sl/sierra-tropical-showcase-its-42million-pineapple-plantation/.
Mission of Sierra Leone to the United Nations. The full statement can be found on the World Sensorium original website.